Papers of Bruce McKinney 1900-2008
Related Entities
There are 33 Entities related to this resource.
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. (corporateBody)
American Foundation for AIDS Research (corporateBody)
The American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) is a nonprofit organization formed in September 1985 from the merger of two existing AIDS research organizations: the AIDS Medical Foundation, based in New York City, and the Los Angeles-based National AIDS Research Foundation. From those two organizations, respectively, Drs. Mathilde Krim and Michael Gottlieb became amfAR's Founding Chairmen while Elizabeth Taylor became its Founding National Chairman. In 2005, amfAR changed its name to The Foun...
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Lawrence-Topeka, Kan.) (corporateBody)
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. (corporateBody)
Introduction The Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), America's oldest AIDS organization, organized in 1982, serves to educate the public about HIV/AIDS, provide care services for People with AIDS (PWAs), and advocate at all levels of government for fair AIDS policies. It is a volunteer-supported, community-based organization that provides programs to clients and members of the general public regardless of HIV status, gender, or sexual orientation. GMHC was founde...
Kansas Gay and Lesbian Task Force. (corporateBody)
American Civil Liberties Union (corporateBody)
Founded in 1920 in New York City by Roger Baldwin and others; the ACLU was an outgrowth of the American Union Against Militarism's National Civil Liberties Bureau, which in 1920 changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union. From the description of Collection, 1917- (Swarthmore College, Peace Collection). WorldCat record id: 42740878 The Southern Women's Rights Project (SWRP) located in Richmond is affiliated with the American Civil Liberties Union. The project deal...
NAMES Project (corporateBody)
Human Rights Campaign (U.S.) (corporateBody)
Steve Endean established the Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF) in 1980 to raise money for gay-supportive congressional candidates. In 1982, the HRCF incorporated, adopting bylaws stating their purpose is to "advance the cause of lesbian and gay civil rights by supporting and educating candidates for federal elective office." In 1985, HRCF merged with the Gay Rights National Lobby to increase its effectiveness and influence on Capitol Hill. In 1995, the organization changed its name to the Human ...
McKinney, Bruce, 1953- (person)
Bruce A. McKinney was born December 13, 1953 in Coffeyville, Kansas to Gilbert "Dean" McKinney (1926-2007) and Velma Louise Bates (b. 1930), who married November 2, 1950. McKinney graduated from Coffeyville High School, Coffeyville, Kansas in 1971, and went on to attend college at Wichita State University from 1971-1975. McKinney began his career in activism while a youth by joining the Tulsa Organization for Human Rights, paying for the membership with his paper route m...
Kansas. Depy. of Health and Environment (corporateBody)
Kansas AIDS Network (corporateBody)
Kansans for Human Dignity. (corporateBody)
Schultz, Dale, 1943-1997? (person)
Topeka AIDS Project (Topeka, Kan.) (corporateBody)
Kansas Information Services. (corporateBody)
Wheeler, Steve, 1957-2003. (person)
ACT UP (Organization) (corporateBody)
The organization ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) was formed in 1987 to address the AIDS crisis through direct political action. The Oral History Project was created to document the work of ACT UP through interviews with surviving members, and to shed light on the process of making social change. From the guide to the ACT UP Oral History Project videotapes, 2002-2005, (The New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division.) The organization ACT ...
Wichita Pride Committee (Wichita, Kan.) (corporateBody)
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U.S.) (corporateBody)
Founded in 1973 as the National Gay Task Force, NGLTF is the nation's oldest lesbian and gay civil rights lobby. In 1993, it served 26,000 members. Affiliated components of the Task Force include the Gay Media Task Force, founded to lobby the major television networks to improve their coverage of lesbian and gay issues; the Privacy Project; the Military Freedom Project; the Anti-Violence Project; the Creating Change conference (started in 1988); the Lesbian and Gay Families Project; and the Nati...
International Association of Lesbian/Gay Pride Coordinators (corporateBody)
Equality Kansas (corporateBody)
Wichita Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center (Wichita, Kan.) (corporateBody)
Wichita Gay/Lesbian Alliance (Wichita, Kan.) (corporateBody)
Gutzman, Robert, 1962-1996. (person)
National Organization for Women (corporateBody)
The National Organization for Women (NOW) was formed in Washington D.C. in 1966, and incorporated in 1967. The organization was formed to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of society, assuming all privileges and responsibilities in fully equal partnership with men. Local chapters were formed throughout the country and task forces were set up to deal with problems of women in areas such as employment, education, religion, poverty, law, politics, and image in the media....
Wichita AIDS Task Force (Wichita, Kan.) (corporateBody)
Kansas Gay Rodeo Association. (corporateBody)
Parents, Friends, and Families of Lesbians and Gays (corporateBody)
Wichita Gay Community Pride Committee (Wichita, Kan.) (corporateBody)
Center for Disease Control (corporateBody)
Students for Education of Liberal Concerns (Wichita State University) (corporateBody)
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Wichita, Kan.) (corporateBody)
Wichita State University. Gay and Lesbian Resource Association. (corporateBody)